Managing Life in a Pandemic Project

Due Date: Thursday, April 30th

If you are currently enrolled in Freshman Seminar, this project will be your wok for BOTH classes this week.


Create a website about one of the following choices:

Ways to Organize Yourself During Remote Learning

Ways to Socialize Safely During Self Isolation

Ways to Self Care During Self Isolation

Want to see a sample completed project? Click Me!

Ways to ..........

By Ms. Shuman


My name is Ms. Shuman and I am a teacher who is working during Remote Learning and the COVID pandemic. One reason I know a lot about organizing/safely socializing/self care IS..........

You can also upload a video of yourself explaining here for an Exceeding!

For your examples you are welcome to do it in ANY format--you can investigate how to use tables, use divs, use headings and paragraphs or any other element! Include videos, tutorials, etc

Tip/Resource #1 for organizing/socializing safely/self care...

Describe your tip/resource!

You can include videos!

Tip/Resource #2 for organizing/socializing safely/self care...

Describe your tip/resource

You can include pictures!

Tip/Resource #3 for organizing/socializing saely/self care...